fish_track package


fish_track.kernel module

fish_track.kernel.add_shadow(x, sigma)

Effectively add a negative zone around image x where x > x.mean

fish_track.kernel.get_kernels(images, pc_indices, cluster_num, plot=True, sigma=0)
  1. calculate the principle component of different images

  2. project images on some principles

  3. cluster the projected images

  4. calculate average for each cluster

  5. return the averaged images

  • images (np.ndarray) – images obtained from fish_track.shape.get_shapes()

  • pc_indices (np.ndarray) – indices of the principle components

  • cluster_num (int) – the number of clusters (k)

  • sigma (float) – the sigma of the “shadow” add around the kernel

fish_track.kernel.plot_pca(dim, mean, pcs, name='pca')

images (np.ndarray) – a collections of images to perform PCA


the projection matrix, the variance and mean

Return type


fish_track.linking module

class fish_track.linking.ActiveLinker(search_range)

Bases: object

Link positions into trajectories following 10.1007/s00348-005-0068-7 Works with n-dimensional data in Euclidean space

Getting trajectories from positions in different frames


frames (list of numpy.ndarray) – the positions of particles in different frames from the experimental data


a collection of trajectories. Each trajectory is represented by a list, [time_points, positions]

Return type


class fish_track.linking.TrackpyLinker(max_movement, memory=0, max_subnet_size=30, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Linking positions into trajectories using Trackpy Works with 2D and 3D data. High dimensional data not tested. (no expiment available)

  • positions (np.ndarray) – shape (time, num, dim)

  • time_points (np.ndarray) – shape (time, ), time_points may not be continues

  • labels (np.ndarray) – if given, the result will have a ‘label’ attribute which specifies the label values in different frames [(frame_index, [labels, … ]), …], shape (time, num)

class fish_track.linking.Trajectory(time, positions, blur=None, velocities=None, blur_velocity=None)

Bases: object

Bundle handy methods with trajectory data


Break one trajectory into two trajectories.


time_index (int) – the index of self.time at which the trajectory will be break down.


a list of two trajecotires

Return type



Calculate the distance between self and another trajectory

the distance is defined as the distance where the earlier trajectory

travel to future, and the later trajectory travel to past, and the distance where they meet in time.

The purpose of such calculation is to improve the linking success rate.


offset all time


predict the position of the particle at future time-point t


retrace the position of the particle at previous time-point t

  • trajectories (list of Trajectory) – unlinked trajectories

  • network (list of numpy.ndarray) – the chosen network to link trajectories Each network may have different sizes


trajectories that were connected according to the given network

Return type

list of Trajectory

fish_track.linking.apply_network_merge(trajectories, network)
Merge the trajectories. The earlier trajecotires will be clipped and

connectd to later trajectories

  • trajectories (list of Trajectory) – unmerged trajectories

  • network (list of numpy.ndarray) – the chosen network to merge trajectories. Each network may have different sizes.


trajectories that were merged

according to the given network

Return type

list of Trajectory

fish_track.linking.build_dist_matrix_sparse(trajs_sorted, dt, dx, cost, time_filter, debug=False)

Build a sparse distance matrix, then squeeze it

  • trajs_sorted (list) – trajectories obtained from sort_trajectories()

  • dt (int) – if the time[-1] of traj #1 + dt > time[0] of traj #2 consider a link being possible

  • dx (float) – if within dt, the distance between * trajectory #1’s prediction and * trajectory #2’s first point is smaller than dx, assign a link

  • cost (callable) – the function to calculate cost between two trajectories, trajectories with smaller cost will be linked


(distance matrix (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix), row_map, col_map)

The row_map and col_map are used to map from squeezed distance matrix to origional distance matrix

Return type


fish_track.linking.choose_network(distance_matrix, networks) numpy.ndarray

Choose the network with minimum distance amonest a collection of networks

  • distance_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – the distances for different links. distance_matrix[link] –> distance of this link

  • networks (numpy.ndarray) – a collection of networks, a network is a collection of links. The shape is (n_network, n_link, 2)


the network with minimum distance, shape (n_link, 2)

Return type


fish_track.linking.cost_dist(traj_1, traj_2)

the cost value

Return type


fish_track.linking.cost_merge(traj_1, traj_2)
fish_track.linking.cost_xu(traj_1, traj_2)
fish_track.linking.get_trajectory(labels, frames, target: int)
fish_track.linking.merge_trajectories(trajectories, dx, dt, debug=False)

Merge two trajectories, t1 and t2, if the end of t1 matches the head of t2.

  • trajectories (list) – A collection of trajectories. Each trajectory is stored in a tuple, (time, positions)

  • dx (float) – distance threshold, t1 and t2 were considered to be matched if the distance between the end of t1 and the head of t2 were is smaller than dx.


a collection of merged trajectories

Return type



Network is compose of linkes that looks like,

[(i_1, j_1), (i_2, j_2) ...]

The network is sorted with

i_n > ... > i_2 > i_1

network (numpy.ndarray) – a collection of links, shape (n, 2)


the reduced network

Return type

list of numpy.ndarray


>>> input = np.array([(0, 1), (1, 3), (3, 5), (4, 5), (6, 7), (7, 8)])
>>> output = np.array([(0, 1, 3, 5), (4, 5), (6, 7, 8)])
>>> [np.allclose(i, o) for i, o in zip(reduce_network(input), output)]
[True, True, True]

Re-link short trajectories into longer ones.

  • trajectories (list) – A collection of trajectories, where each trajectory is stored in a tuple in the form of, (time, positions)

  • dx (float) – distance threshold, the only trajectories whose ‘head’ and ‘tail’ is smaller than dx in space were considered as a possible link

  • dt (int) – time threshold, the only trajectories whose ‘head’ and ‘tail’ is smaller than dt in time were considered as a possible link

  • blur (float or bool) – if blur is provided, all trajectories were filtered using a gaussian kernel, whose sigma is the value of blur


The relink trajectories.

Each trajectory is stored in a tuple, (time, positions)

Return type

list of tuple

Re-link short trajectories into longer ones.

The task is firstly separated into different segments with equal size, then combined

  • trajectories (list) – A collection of trajectories. Each trajectory is stored in a tuple, (time, positions)

  • window_size (int) – the frame number size of each segment for the relink of the 1st iteration

  • max_frame (int) – the maximum number of frames

  • dx (float) – distance threshold, the only trajectories whose ‘head’ and ‘tail’ is smaller than dx in space were considered as a possible link

  • dt (int) – time threshold, the only trajectories whose ‘head’ and ‘tail’ is smaller than dt in time were considered as a possible link

  • blur (float or bool) – if blur is provided, all trajectories were filtered using a gaussian kernel, whose sigma is the value of blur


The relink trajectories.

Each trajectory is stored in a tuple, (time, positions)

Return type

list of tuple

fish_track.linking.segment_trajectories(trajectories, window_size, max_frame)

Split trajectories into different segments according to their starting time points

If there are 5400 frames, with a window_size = 500, then the edges of each segment are

[0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5400]
  • trajectories (list) – A collection of trajectories. Each trajectory is stored in a tuple, (time, positions)

  • window_size (int) – the frame number size of each segment for the relink of the 1st iteration

  • max_frame (int) – the maximum number of frames


a list of trajectories in different segments

Return type


fish_track.linking.solve_unique(rows, cols, values, debug=False)

Find the link between two trajecotires that are both one-to-one and onto

That is to say, trajectory A only link to B, and B is only only linked by A.


..code-block:: python


——> ——-> (first) (second)

  • rows (np.ndarray) – The indices of the first trajectories

  • cols (np.ndarray) – The indices of the second trajectories

  • values (np.ndarray) – The distances between the prediction of first trajectory and the start of the second trajectory. Essentially this is the error.



not-unique row indices, not-unique col indices, not-unique distances, unique_links


Return type



Sort trajectories according to the first time point in each traj


trajectories (List) – a collection of Trajectory or obj:tuple which contains the time points and positions of each trajectory


the sorted trajectories, each trajectory maintains the same type.

Return type



Given the indices in a row or column from a sparse matrix Remove the blank rows/columns

array[i + 1] >= array[i]

array (numpy.ndarray) – the indices of columes/rows in a sparse matrix


the matrix without blank columes/rows

Return type



>>> input = np.array([44, 53, 278, 904, 1060, 2731])
>>> output = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> np.allclose(output, squeeze_sparse(output))

Return ture if two trajectories would form portational link

fish_track.linking.time_filter_merge(traj_1, traj_2, dt)

Return ture if two trajectories would form portational link

fish_track.nrook module

solve n rook problem in restricted available sites

fish_track.nrook.solve_nrook(lm: numpy.ndarray[bool[m, n]]) numpy.ndarray[int32]

solve the n rook problem in a given availabel sites

fish_track.nrook.solve_nrook_dense(lm: numpy.ndarray[bool[m, n]], max_row: int) numpy.ndarray[int32]

solve the n rook problem in a given availabel sites from a dense distance matrix

fish_track.nrook module

solve n rook problem in restricted available sites

fish_track.nrook.solve_nrook(lm: numpy.ndarray[bool[m, n]]) numpy.ndarray[int32]

solve the n rook problem in a given availabel sites

fish_track.nrook.solve_nrook_dense(lm: numpy.ndarray[bool[m, n]], max_row: int) numpy.ndarray[int32]

solve the n rook problem in a given availabel sites from a dense distance matrix

fish_track.oishi module


Get the difference between alignment angles of different agents


orientations (np.ndarray) – the orientations of different features in degree


the distance between orientations

Return type


fish_track.oishi.get_align_map(features, rot_num)
fish_track.oishi.get_box_for_kernel(kernel, u, v, image) tuple

Get a boundary of the kernel in a bigger image the kernel is located at (u, v) in the image

fish_track.oishi.get_clusters(feature, kernels, angles, kernel_threshold=0.0)

the pixels that ‘belong’ to different features

the returnned results are (x, y), the shape is (number, dimension)

Return type


fish_track.oishi.get_clusters_from_image(feature, kernels, image, angles, roi, kernel_threshold=0.0) list
  • feature (np.ndarray) – oishi feature generated by get_oishi_features()

  • kernels (list of np.ndarray) – oishi kernels generated by get_oishi_kernels()

  • image (np.ndarray) – the processed binary image

  • angles (np.ndarray) – the discrete angles used to generate kernels

  • roi (tuple) – region of interests in the image

  • kernel_threshold (float) – intensity threshold


the pixels that ‘belong’ to different features

the returnned results are (x, y) the shape is (number, dimension)

Return type


fish_track.oishi.get_clusters_with_roi(feature, kernels, angles, roi, kernel_threshold=0.0)

the pixels that ‘belong’ to different features

the returnned results are (x, y), the shape is (number, dimension)

Return type


fish_track.oishi.get_oishi_features(image, oishi_kernels, threshold=0.5, local_size=4)

Calculate the oishi features in an image

  • image (np.ndarray) – 2D image

  • oishi_kernels (list of np.ndarray) – the kernels with different shapes/scales/orientations

  • threshold (float) – intensity threshold

  • local_size (int) – the local maxima defined were considered as potential oishi features


oishi features, shape (6, n)

[x, y, orientation, shape, brightness, likelihood] the returned feature location is (x, y) in the image coordinate NOT (row, colume)

Return type


fish_track.oishi.get_oishi_kernels(kernels, rot_num=35)
fish_track.oishi.get_sub_image(image, centre, window)
fish_track.oishi.join_pairs(pairs) list
fish_track.oishi.o2v(orientation, angles) numpy.ndarray

Convert orientation to a unit vector

  • orientation (int) – label of the orientation. angles[labels] yields the actural angle value

  • angles (np.ndarray) – the unit is degree


the (x, y) direction of the orientation

Return type


fish_track.oishi.refine_oishi_features(features, rot_num, dist_threshold, orient_threshold, likelihood_threshold, intensity_threshold)
fish_track.oishi.rotate_kernel(kernel, angle)

Rotate the kernel with given angle, and shift the highest value to the centre

  • kernel (np.ndarray) – a 2D image representing the kernel of a shape

  • angle (float) – The rotation angle in degrees


The rotated kernel

Return type



>>> kernel = np.zeros((5, 5))
>>> kernel[2, :] = np.array([1, 1, 2, 1, 1])  # 2D image with a horizontal line
>>> target = np.zeros((5, 5))
>>> target[:, 2] =np.array([1, 1, 2, 1, 1])  # 2D image with a vertical line
>>> np.allclose(rotate_kernel(kernel, 90), target)  # rotate kernel 90 degrees
True module, step=1, max_frame=1000, process=<function <lambda>>), length=1500, output='background.avi', fps=15, cache='deque')

Get a movie of background, being a box-average along time series with length of length Save bg every segment (25 frames), and save difference otherwise, background, output='foreground.avi', process=<function <lambda>>, fps=15, local=5, thresh_flag=0, bop=0)

Generate a movie that only has foreground pixels

  • video (str) – name of the video to be processed (from camera)

  • background (str) – name of the background video. It is assumend that the foreground is darker, so foreground = backgroudn - video

  • preprocess (Callable) – a python function to process both foreground and background before the substraction

  • fps (int or float) – the frame rate of the obtained video

  • local (int) – the range of the local threshold

  • threh_flag (int) – flags for the global threshold, 0 - otsu; 1 - triangle; >1 - fixed value threshold, value is given number

  • bop (int) – the binary open morphological transformation, 0 - don’t use; >0 - size of the kernel

Return: None, but create a movie file, frame)

return the frame content as an array, ncols=3), prefix='frame_', start=0), roi=None, start=0), start=0, end=0, kind='video', transform=<function <lambda>>)

Return a movie that stores the difference between successive frames

fish_track.shape module

fish_track.shape.align_sub_image(sub_image, want_ar=False)

Align the image Everything is in 2d

fish_track.shape.get_maxima(image: numpy.ndarray, threshold: float, window_size)

return the location of features in the image the result is (u, v), not (row, column) :return maxima: shape is (n, 2)

fish_track.shape.get_shapes(image, fish, report=False)

measure and aligh individual shapes in an image if report were True, also return the volumes and aspect_ratios

fish_track.shape.get_sub_image_box(position, radius, image_shape=None)
fish_track.shape.get_sub_images(image, centres, max_radius)

only works for 2d image

fish_track.shape.is_inside(position, radius, boundary)

fish_track.utility module

support only python3 because of __dict__.items() it’s 2019 now come on

class fish_track.utility.Configure(config_file)

Bases: object

class fish_track.utility.SubProperty(dictionary)

Bases: object

fish_track.utility.detect_circle(image: numpy.array, size=50, upper_threshold=0.5)

Detect the central circle in the image The foreground is dark :param image: 2d image as numpy array :return: the (x, y) coordinates of the centre

fish_track.utility.draw_2d(radius: int)
fish_track.utility.validate(images, model, fail_mark=0.25, shape=(40, 40))

validate shapes with trained keras model good shape: probability of being good > fail_mark

Module contents