ONNX models with Python

from IPython.display import Image

This is the code from the onnx documentation.

This notebooks talks about manipulating ONNX models with the Python API.

Creating Model

Linear expression: Y = A * X + B

from onnx import TensorProto
from onnx.helper import (
    make_model, make_node, make_graph, make_tensor_value_info,
from onnx.checker import check_model

Declearing Variables

We use the make_tensor_value_info to declare variables.

X = make_tensor_value_info(
    name="X", elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT, shape=[None, None]

A = make_tensor_value_info(
    name="A", elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT, shape=[None, None]

B = make_tensor_value_info(
    name="B", elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT, shape=[None, None]

Y = make_tensor_value_info(
    name="Y", elem_type=TensorProto.FLOAT, shape=[None]

Declaring Operators

Operats are the “nodes” in the computation graph of a neural network.

We use the make_node function to declare nodes.

node_1 = make_node(
    op_type='MatMul', inputs=['X', 'A'], outputs=['XA'],

node_2 = make_node(
    op_type='Add', inputs=['XA', 'B'], outputs=['Y'],

Declaring the Graph

We can construct the computational graph with the make_graph function.

graph = make_graph(
    nodes=[node_1, node_2],
    name="linear regression",
    inputs=[X, A, B],

Creating a model

We can convert the computation Graph to ONNX model via make_model function.

We can use check_model to ensure our result being legitimate.

model = make_model(graph)


Save the Model

We serialise the model with the SerializePartialToString method.

with open("model_lr.onnx", "wb") as f:

We can visualise the model with tools such as Netron, yielding an image like this,

Image("model_lr.png", width=150)

Parsing a Model

Loading the model

We can use the load function to load a model as the ONNX representation, onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto.

from onnx import load

model = load("./model_lr.onnx")

Inspecting the IO details

The following code shows the way to print inputs and outputs of a model.

Notice the helpful fucntions

  • onnx.helper.tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype.
  • our own get_tensor_shape
def get_tensor_shape(tensor):
    shape = tensor.type.tensor_type.shape
    return tuple(getattr(d, 'dim_value', 0) for d in shape.dim)

for obj in model.graph.input:
    name  = obj.name
    dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(
    shape = get_tensor_shape(obj)
    print("Input  tensor:", name, shape, dtype)
for obj in model.graph.output:
    name  = obj.name
    dtype = tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(
    shape = get_tensor_shape(obj)
    print("Output tensor:", name, shape, dtype)
Input  tensor: X (0, 0) float32
Input  tensor: A (0, 0) float32
Input  tensor: B (0, 0) float32
Output tensor: Y (0,) float32

Inspecting Operators

The following code shows how to extract information of computational nodes.

By doing so, we clearly see the flow of computation in the Graph.

for node in model.graph.node:
    name = node.name
    op = node.op_type
    tensor_in = node.input
    tensor_out = node.output
    print(f"Node {name}:", tensor_in, "->", op, "->", tensor_out)
Node : ['X', 'A'] -> MatMul -> ['XA']
Node : ['XA', 'B'] -> Add -> ['Y']